
Fox Heating and Cooling are your local experts in keeping you comfortable. From the first moment you notice a problem with your heating or cooling system, you can count on Fox to respond to your needs. We have a team of knowledgeable service technicians that make it their goal to diagnose and fix problems on the same visit. This means getting you back to being comfortable quickly. At Fox we also provide routine maintenance to ensure you are free of unforeseen issues. Some services we offer include:
Comfort Club Plan (yearly maintenance)
Emergency house calls
Annual health check-ups are common, we believe annual HVAC check-ups are also essential. Choose Fox for your maintenance needs on your heating and cooling systems to ensure longevity and prevent system breakdowns. Some maintenance services we offer include:
Comfort Club Plan
Yearly or mid-year, your choice
Filter change
General inspection
Check freon level
Outdoor condenser clean-up